Northern Cherokee Nation
May 13, 2023, Council Meeting
Chief Grey Elk called the meeting to order.
Pledge and prayer led by Chief Grey Elk.
Roll call:
Fast Knife------------------Here
Standing Rock------------Absent
Grandmother Rose-----Here
Buffalo Sister-------------Here
Hawk Arrow--------------Absent
Big Standing Bear-------Here
Deputy Chief Wandering Wolf----Here
Chief Grey Elk------------Here
A few of the citizens and Chief Grey Elk attending the Sac & White River Band Gathering and witnessed the swearing in of their new Chief Stefani Jeffers.
Chief Grey Elk and a few NCN citizens went to the Pomme De Terre Rendezvous. The group will be coming to our powwow in September.
The hunt is on for vendors for our powwow.
Chief Grey Elk announced that plans are being made to get a webcam set up for council meetings. Hawk Arrow has donated the start up and Fast Knife is working on getting it set up.
Tribal Marshall Tony Running Wolf announced the working on the electrical at drum stand will happen at the June meeting.
There was no consent agenda for the month of April, due to crossing over of Tribal Secretary Buffalo Sister’s brother. All votes in June will cover April and May.
Next meeting is June 10, 2023.
Old Glory Days parade is July 1, 2023. Come on and join us to show our native pride.
Tribal Elder Eddie Buffalo Warrior gave the closing prayer.
May 13, 2023, Council Meeting
Chief Grey Elk called the meeting to order.
Pledge and prayer led by Chief Grey Elk.
Roll call:
Fast Knife------------------Here
Standing Rock------------Absent
Grandmother Rose-----Here
Buffalo Sister-------------Here
Hawk Arrow--------------Absent
Big Standing Bear-------Here
Deputy Chief Wandering Wolf----Here
Chief Grey Elk------------Here
A few of the citizens and Chief Grey Elk attending the Sac & White River Band Gathering and witnessed the swearing in of their new Chief Stefani Jeffers.
Chief Grey Elk and a few NCN citizens went to the Pomme De Terre Rendezvous. The group will be coming to our powwow in September.
The hunt is on for vendors for our powwow.
Chief Grey Elk announced that plans are being made to get a webcam set up for council meetings. Hawk Arrow has donated the start up and Fast Knife is working on getting it set up.
Tribal Marshall Tony Running Wolf announced the working on the electrical at drum stand will happen at the June meeting.
There was no consent agenda for the month of April, due to crossing over of Tribal Secretary Buffalo Sister’s brother. All votes in June will cover April and May.
Next meeting is June 10, 2023.
Old Glory Days parade is July 1, 2023. Come on and join us to show our native pride.
Tribal Elder Eddie Buffalo Warrior gave the closing prayer.
Northern Cherokee Nation
April 8, 2023, Council Meeting
Meeting called to order by Chief Grey Elk
Pledge and prayer led by Chief Grey Elk
Discussion was led by Chief Grey Elk on the Pom De Terr Rendezvous. Northern Cherokee Nation will be represented there and would like as many as possible to join in.
Roll Call
Fast Knife---------------------------------Here
Standing Rock---------------------------Here
Grandmother Rose--------------------Here
Buffalo Sister----------------------------Here
Hawk Arrow----------------------------Absent
Big Standing Bear--------------------Here
Deputy Chief Wandering Wolf----Absent
Chief Grey Elk-------------------------Here
Chief Grey Elk and Deputy Chief Wandering Wolf in contact with lawyer to make amendment to deed of property, where it could not ever be sold.
Chief Grey Elk is working on a meeting with the governor of Arkansas, for state recognition in Arkansas.
Missouri state recognition from Governor Christopher Bond and affirmed by Mel Carnahan is Iron Clad according to our lawyer. A federal Judge declared us Native Americans as well.
Consent agenda---1st motion Grandmother Rose, 2nd motion Fast Knife, all council approved.
Big thank you to Fast Knife for donations of office supplies.
Tribal Marshall Running Wolf is collecting donations for a lift to redo electrical on the drum stand and cut the tops of the poles.
All scrap metal has been hauled off and the mowing season has begun. Need volunteers to help with yard work and maintenance, See Tony Running Wolf.
The Sac & White River band is having a gathering April 29 & 30.
Tribal Elder Eddie Buffalo Warrior gave the Closing Prayer.
Crystal Wolf won the door prize.
April 8, 2023, Council Meeting
Meeting called to order by Chief Grey Elk
Pledge and prayer led by Chief Grey Elk
Discussion was led by Chief Grey Elk on the Pom De Terr Rendezvous. Northern Cherokee Nation will be represented there and would like as many as possible to join in.
Roll Call
Fast Knife---------------------------------Here
Standing Rock---------------------------Here
Grandmother Rose--------------------Here
Buffalo Sister----------------------------Here
Hawk Arrow----------------------------Absent
Big Standing Bear--------------------Here
Deputy Chief Wandering Wolf----Absent
Chief Grey Elk-------------------------Here
Chief Grey Elk and Deputy Chief Wandering Wolf in contact with lawyer to make amendment to deed of property, where it could not ever be sold.
Chief Grey Elk is working on a meeting with the governor of Arkansas, for state recognition in Arkansas.
Missouri state recognition from Governor Christopher Bond and affirmed by Mel Carnahan is Iron Clad according to our lawyer. A federal Judge declared us Native Americans as well.
Consent agenda---1st motion Grandmother Rose, 2nd motion Fast Knife, all council approved.
Big thank you to Fast Knife for donations of office supplies.
Tribal Marshall Running Wolf is collecting donations for a lift to redo electrical on the drum stand and cut the tops of the poles.
All scrap metal has been hauled off and the mowing season has begun. Need volunteers to help with yard work and maintenance, See Tony Running Wolf.
The Sac & White River band is having a gathering April 29 & 30.
Tribal Elder Eddie Buffalo Warrior gave the Closing Prayer.
Crystal Wolf won the door prize.
Northern Cherokee Nation
November 5, 2022
Council Meeting
Call to order---Chief Grey Elk
Opening prayer and pledge led by Chief Grey Elk
Roll Call
Fast Knife---------Absent
Standing Rock---Here
Grandmother Rose—Here
Wandering Wolf---Here
Buffalo Sister----Here
Hawk Arrow---Absent
Big Standing Bear—Here
Chief Grey Elk announced that the mortgage is PAID IN FULL!! THIS LAND IS OURS!!! Grey Fox is drafting an amendment to the constitution that the land can never be sold.
Tribal Marshall Tony Running Wolf along with Big Standing Bear and Lee Fire Keeper replaced all the light fixtures in the council room.
Chief Grey Elk announced the idea of creating a museum and store as our next phase of improvements.
Busy Red Bird thanked all those that have contributed to the mortgage payments. We still need your support to do new projects and continue to keep paying the bills.
Buffalo Sister thanked all those that gave of their money, time, labor, blood, sweat and tears to get this accomplished. It takes all of us to move forward.
Murl and Marjorie from the Western Cherokee were visitors today. They wanted to thank all of those that gave their time to help with their powwow! May we all work together again.
Due to conflict of dates---The POWWOW DATES ARE NOW SEPTMEBER 22-23-24, 2023 Please mark your calendars and tell all your family and friends.
December meeting is December 10, 2022, at 10:30 am. This is our last meeting of this year, hope to see many of you here! Please bring a covered dish to share in our Christmas Dinner, after the meeting.
Updates are needed from everyone! The last update was done about 2016. We need everyone to update their file, (even if nothing has changed, you still need to update) by January 15, 2023. The cost to update your file is $20.00. This helps to offset office supplies and bills. You can download the form from our website or call the office 660-885-7779 and Buffalo Sister will snail mail you the form. Please tell all your family and friends to do the same.
Stacy Adams won the door prize. Meeting was adjourned and potluck dinner was shared by all.
Northern Cherokee Nation's Tribal Council Meeting Minutes -- November 6th, 2021
Speaker White Crow opened the meeting with the pledge and prayer to Creator.
Roll Call
Fast Knife-----Here by zoom
Standing Rock---Here
Hawk Arrow—Here by zoom
White Crow-----Here
Buffalo Sister—Here
Grandmother Rose—Here
Wandering Wolf---Here
Chief Grey Elk---We are working with the Henry County, Mo. Tax assessor to get it established that we do not have to pay real estate taxes. Paperwork has been filed and we are waiting for an answer.
Speaker of Council White Crow announced that the garage door has been replaced with overhead door. Donation from Tony Running Wolf. Wado. Trash is now removed from upstairs and in the garage. Mattresses that were stored upstairs are next on the list to be removed. Powwow kitchen will be winterized today. We have two new trees planted by the flag poles. Speaker of Council White Crow and other volunteers have been working hard on the grounds and major improvements are being made all the time. Lagoon is all cleaned out and fence is being repaired. Speaker White Crow has donated a new gate for it.
Speaker of Council White Crow explained what the Consent agenda means. All meeting notes are sent to the council ahead of the next meeting. They then need to either agree or disagree to them at the next meeting.
Speaker of Council White Crow—How many of you have Facebook or internet access? If you do, please go to our Facebook page, read our Tell your family to watch them, read them, and learn things.
Speaker of Council White Crow- Spring or before-need workdays scheduled for more improvements to be made. Need volunteers to get this done. You can camp, enjoy meals and fellowship with your native brothers and sisters at the same time. Work lists are being made.
Consent agenda was approved by all council.
Busy Red Bird announced our kitchen stove in the council house is on its last days. Oven is going out. Need replacement. Tony Running Wolf is donating one very soon.
Grandmother Rose is holding raffle for Spear that she made. Cost is $5.00 a ticket. Drawing to be held on December 11, 2021, meeting. You can still purchase tickets before the meeting.
Elder Councilwoman Gentle Rain announced her raffle of a painted plate donated by her sister. Cost is $3.00 a ticket. Drawing to be held on December 11,2021 meeting. You can still purchase tickets before the meeting.
Buffalo Sister announced new items for sale. Children’s ribbon t-shirts-$15.00 each. All items under the Christmas tree are for sale. Limited supply of canvas bags with the NCN Seal on them-$30.00 each. One canvas bag w/seal is already loaded with gifts—2 NCN coffee cups, 2 NCN Koozie cups, 1 NCN Sticky Seal, and 1 NCN magnet, you get all of that for $45.00. All proceeds from these items go directly to the Northern Cherokee Nation.
Speaker of Council White Crow ended the meeting with prayers to Creator. James Thunder Spirit won the door prize. Next meeting is December 11, 2021.
Roll Call
Fast Knife-----Here by zoom
Standing Rock---Here
Hawk Arrow—Here by zoom
White Crow-----Here
Buffalo Sister—Here
Grandmother Rose—Here
Wandering Wolf---Here
Chief Grey Elk---We are working with the Henry County, Mo. Tax assessor to get it established that we do not have to pay real estate taxes. Paperwork has been filed and we are waiting for an answer.
Speaker of Council White Crow announced that the garage door has been replaced with overhead door. Donation from Tony Running Wolf. Wado. Trash is now removed from upstairs and in the garage. Mattresses that were stored upstairs are next on the list to be removed. Powwow kitchen will be winterized today. We have two new trees planted by the flag poles. Speaker of Council White Crow and other volunteers have been working hard on the grounds and major improvements are being made all the time. Lagoon is all cleaned out and fence is being repaired. Speaker White Crow has donated a new gate for it.
Speaker of Council White Crow explained what the Consent agenda means. All meeting notes are sent to the council ahead of the next meeting. They then need to either agree or disagree to them at the next meeting.
Speaker of Council White Crow—How many of you have Facebook or internet access? If you do, please go to our Facebook page, read our Tell your family to watch them, read them, and learn things.
Speaker of Council White Crow- Spring or before-need workdays scheduled for more improvements to be made. Need volunteers to get this done. You can camp, enjoy meals and fellowship with your native brothers and sisters at the same time. Work lists are being made.
Consent agenda was approved by all council.
Busy Red Bird announced our kitchen stove in the council house is on its last days. Oven is going out. Need replacement. Tony Running Wolf is donating one very soon.
Grandmother Rose is holding raffle for Spear that she made. Cost is $5.00 a ticket. Drawing to be held on December 11, 2021, meeting. You can still purchase tickets before the meeting.
Elder Councilwoman Gentle Rain announced her raffle of a painted plate donated by her sister. Cost is $3.00 a ticket. Drawing to be held on December 11,2021 meeting. You can still purchase tickets before the meeting.
Buffalo Sister announced new items for sale. Children’s ribbon t-shirts-$15.00 each. All items under the Christmas tree are for sale. Limited supply of canvas bags with the NCN Seal on them-$30.00 each. One canvas bag w/seal is already loaded with gifts—2 NCN coffee cups, 2 NCN Koozie cups, 1 NCN Sticky Seal, and 1 NCN magnet, you get all of that for $45.00. All proceeds from these items go directly to the Northern Cherokee Nation.
Speaker of Council White Crow ended the meeting with prayers to Creator. James Thunder Spirit won the door prize. Next meeting is December 11, 2021.
Gray Fox, Chief Elder
Osiyo Tribal Citizens,
I recently have been thinking about a situation I would like to discuss with you. Specifically, I think many of us have unknowingly developed a defensive attitude about our tribal identity. This manifests itself when we are describing ourselves to some interested person and we tell him or her that our ancestors voluntarily migrated across the Mississippi River long before the forced movement on the Trail of Tears. We tell our listener that we have been in northern Arkansas and southern Missouri continuously since that initial migration. We describe our tribal headquarters and grounds and then apparently by compulsion we diminish ourselves by adding that we are not a federally recognized tribe but we do have a couple of proclamations by Missouri governors.
I am guilty of doing this and I know others of you are too because I have heard it in your conversations and read it in your correspondence. Why do we do this? I think it must be that we have collectively developed a defensive attitude because of all the derision, ridicule, accusations that we are just wannabes and not real Cherokees, that our tribe is just a social club, etc. etc., that have heaped on us year after year by those who should have been our allies and friends. It's as if we now have a subconscious mindset of “ I'll slap myself before you can slap me.”
Would I like to have federal recognition? Of course, but we must never forget that governmental recognition does not make us “real” Cherokees regardless of what our detractors may say. Such recognition is nothing more than an acknowledgment and admission that we are the real deal. Because of that I think we often attach too much importance to that recognition and I do know, because I've been testing it, that most of the people we talk to about ourselves know nothing about our recognition status and when told about it consider it irrelevant.
I am tired of our Cherokee brothers accusing me of being a wannabe and making me feel diminished. So henceforth I am going to operate under a policy of “If you don't ask about our recognition status, I won't tell.”
If someone is curious enough to ask about recognition I will give him or her a succinct report of the facts, but otherwise I intend to be as silent as a stone on the matter.
We talk a lot about Cherokee pride and that is a good thing, but we need to truly buy into that concept. I am genuinely proud of my Cherokee heritage. It helps me understand things about myself that have resulted in a world view different from that of the people I routinely associate with.
My Cherokee identity is precious to me and I am determined to no longer allow mean-spirited detractors to diminish it. I invite you to join me in that determination.
Gray Fox, Chief Elder
I recently have been thinking about a situation I would like to discuss with you. Specifically, I think many of us have unknowingly developed a defensive attitude about our tribal identity. This manifests itself when we are describing ourselves to some interested person and we tell him or her that our ancestors voluntarily migrated across the Mississippi River long before the forced movement on the Trail of Tears. We tell our listener that we have been in northern Arkansas and southern Missouri continuously since that initial migration. We describe our tribal headquarters and grounds and then apparently by compulsion we diminish ourselves by adding that we are not a federally recognized tribe but we do have a couple of proclamations by Missouri governors.
I am guilty of doing this and I know others of you are too because I have heard it in your conversations and read it in your correspondence. Why do we do this? I think it must be that we have collectively developed a defensive attitude because of all the derision, ridicule, accusations that we are just wannabes and not real Cherokees, that our tribe is just a social club, etc. etc., that have heaped on us year after year by those who should have been our allies and friends. It's as if we now have a subconscious mindset of “ I'll slap myself before you can slap me.”
Would I like to have federal recognition? Of course, but we must never forget that governmental recognition does not make us “real” Cherokees regardless of what our detractors may say. Such recognition is nothing more than an acknowledgment and admission that we are the real deal. Because of that I think we often attach too much importance to that recognition and I do know, because I've been testing it, that most of the people we talk to about ourselves know nothing about our recognition status and when told about it consider it irrelevant.
I am tired of our Cherokee brothers accusing me of being a wannabe and making me feel diminished. So henceforth I am going to operate under a policy of “If you don't ask about our recognition status, I won't tell.”
If someone is curious enough to ask about recognition I will give him or her a succinct report of the facts, but otherwise I intend to be as silent as a stone on the matter.
We talk a lot about Cherokee pride and that is a good thing, but we need to truly buy into that concept. I am genuinely proud of my Cherokee heritage. It helps me understand things about myself that have resulted in a world view different from that of the people I routinely associate with.
My Cherokee identity is precious to me and I am determined to no longer allow mean-spirited detractors to diminish it. I invite you to join me in that determination.
Gray Fox, Chief Elder
September 11, 2021
Meeting called to order at 10:30 am by Speaker of Council White Crow.
Opening prayer and pledge by Speaker of Council White Crow
Roll call:
Mark Fast Knife------Absent
Billy Standing Rock—Present
Bill Hawk Arrow---Absent
Daniel White Crow---Present
Jane Buffalo Sister----Present
Teresa Grandmother Rose—Present
Mike Wandering Wolf----Present
Chief Grey Elk announced there was a meeting with the Western Cherokee about a united front of all the nations in Missouri. Many thanks to those who could attend this meeting.
Busy Red Bird announced our loan is down to $11,628.81. We hope to have this paid off within 2 years! We are almost done! With that being said, remember we operate strictly on donations.
Speaker of Council White Crow along with others are constantly working on our grounds and buildings to improve. More volunteers are always wanted and needed. Please contact White Crow if you would like to help.
Garage and upstairs are being cleaned and organized. Repairs are needed to the floor, windows, and walls. Trees are being trimmed or cut down and replaced. Lots of landscaping going on. Culvert on the west side ditch needs to be replaced. Contact has been made with county township to get this accomplished. The cost of the culvert is $843.70. That is the bill for us to pay. They will do all the work and supply the gravel.
Looking at the possibility of another entrance at the back side of the property soon. Lagoon is being cleaned.
Planning is in the works for next year’s powwow. Camping will be on the hill behind the cook shack. Tribal Marshall service will be patrolling the grounds and will be handling the 50/50 drawings. There are plans for a kids trade blanket to teach them how trading was done by our ancestors. Will designate Handicap parking in front of the building. Keith Buffalo Healer and Twila Little Hawk have volunteered to run an auction.
Speaker of Council White Crow announced that big changes are coming to the Northern Cherokee Nation. Would like to give BIG thanks to Chief Grey Elk and Busy Red Bird for all their sacrifices, wisdom, time, money, energy for all these years.
Memorial Garden moving has been tabled for 30 days by vote of council.
Horses at powwow? Teresa Grandmother Rose 1st motion of no, Billy Standing Rock 2nd motion of no, by a council vote of 4 to 1, horses are no longer allowed at the powwow.
Chief Grey Elk to find out what is to be done about horse pen panels.
Changes are happening in the Tribal government. With the office of Deputy Chief being vacated, the Speaker of Council will be Interim Deputy Chief at this time.
Chief of Elders Gray Fox brought a visitor with him, Ms. Tammy Helm, the managing editor of the Fort Scott, Kansas newspaper.
Elder Rita Gentle Rain announced a gathering at her home to be held September 25, 2021. All are welcome! Bring food to share and your lawn chairs.
Lee Night Hawk announced he will be teaching about the clan system after council meetings.
Consent agenda announced by Speaker of Council White Crow. Teresa Grandmother Rose 1st, Jane Buffalo Sister 2nd, Council approved.
Big wado to Lee and Sheila for donating paper to the nation.
Elder Rita Gentle Rain held a raffle the last two meetings for a surprise door prize. Sheila Gilbert was the winner of a $40.00 Walmart gift card, which she donated to the Nation. This raffle raised $210.00 to go towards office supplies and postage.
Jon Soaring Eagle won the door prize of the meeting.
Closing prayer given by Speaker of Council White Crow.
Potluck luncheon shared by all.
Next meeting is October 9, 2021, at 10:30am. All are welcome.
Meeting called to order at 10:30 am by Speaker of Council White Crow.
Opening prayer and pledge by Speaker of Council White Crow
Roll call:
Mark Fast Knife------Absent
Billy Standing Rock—Present
Bill Hawk Arrow---Absent
Daniel White Crow---Present
Jane Buffalo Sister----Present
Teresa Grandmother Rose—Present
Mike Wandering Wolf----Present
Chief Grey Elk announced there was a meeting with the Western Cherokee about a united front of all the nations in Missouri. Many thanks to those who could attend this meeting.
Busy Red Bird announced our loan is down to $11,628.81. We hope to have this paid off within 2 years! We are almost done! With that being said, remember we operate strictly on donations.
Speaker of Council White Crow along with others are constantly working on our grounds and buildings to improve. More volunteers are always wanted and needed. Please contact White Crow if you would like to help.
Garage and upstairs are being cleaned and organized. Repairs are needed to the floor, windows, and walls. Trees are being trimmed or cut down and replaced. Lots of landscaping going on. Culvert on the west side ditch needs to be replaced. Contact has been made with county township to get this accomplished. The cost of the culvert is $843.70. That is the bill for us to pay. They will do all the work and supply the gravel.
Looking at the possibility of another entrance at the back side of the property soon. Lagoon is being cleaned.
Planning is in the works for next year’s powwow. Camping will be on the hill behind the cook shack. Tribal Marshall service will be patrolling the grounds and will be handling the 50/50 drawings. There are plans for a kids trade blanket to teach them how trading was done by our ancestors. Will designate Handicap parking in front of the building. Keith Buffalo Healer and Twila Little Hawk have volunteered to run an auction.
Speaker of Council White Crow announced that big changes are coming to the Northern Cherokee Nation. Would like to give BIG thanks to Chief Grey Elk and Busy Red Bird for all their sacrifices, wisdom, time, money, energy for all these years.
Memorial Garden moving has been tabled for 30 days by vote of council.
Horses at powwow? Teresa Grandmother Rose 1st motion of no, Billy Standing Rock 2nd motion of no, by a council vote of 4 to 1, horses are no longer allowed at the powwow.
Chief Grey Elk to find out what is to be done about horse pen panels.
Changes are happening in the Tribal government. With the office of Deputy Chief being vacated, the Speaker of Council will be Interim Deputy Chief at this time.
Chief of Elders Gray Fox brought a visitor with him, Ms. Tammy Helm, the managing editor of the Fort Scott, Kansas newspaper.
Elder Rita Gentle Rain announced a gathering at her home to be held September 25, 2021. All are welcome! Bring food to share and your lawn chairs.
Lee Night Hawk announced he will be teaching about the clan system after council meetings.
Consent agenda announced by Speaker of Council White Crow. Teresa Grandmother Rose 1st, Jane Buffalo Sister 2nd, Council approved.
Big wado to Lee and Sheila for donating paper to the nation.
Elder Rita Gentle Rain held a raffle the last two meetings for a surprise door prize. Sheila Gilbert was the winner of a $40.00 Walmart gift card, which she donated to the Nation. This raffle raised $210.00 to go towards office supplies and postage.
Jon Soaring Eagle won the door prize of the meeting.
Closing prayer given by Speaker of Council White Crow.
Potluck luncheon shared by all.
Next meeting is October 9, 2021, at 10:30am. All are welcome.
Northern Cherokee Nation's Tribal Council Meeting -- September 11, 2021 Minutes
HIGHLIGHTS: Tribal Council members gathered on Saturday, August 14, for a meeting which included many honored elders and even Beloved Woman Yellow Wolf. Business was conducted and good food was shared. Several tribal citizens camped on Friday and Saturday -- a great time of being together, learning, and sharing stories. Gentle Rain sold raffle tickets for a surprise drawing to be held at the next meeting with all proceeds going towards the never-ending printer ink fund. More tickets to be sold at the next meeting scheduled for September 11, 2021. Mark your calendar now and plan on attending.
Call to order- Speaker White Crow
Welcome to all our Elders!
Opening Prayer-Chief Grey Elk
Pledge—Speaker White Crow
Roll Call-Buffalo Sister
Mark Fast Knife---Here
Billy Standing Rock—Here
Bill Hawk Arrow—Here thru zoom
Daniel White Crow—Here
Jane Buffalo Sister---Here
Teresa Grandmother Rose---Here
Mike Wandering Wolf—Absent
Chief Grey Elk---Here
Chief Grey Elk announced we did well on the pow wow despite the rain delays and a few getting stuck.
Busy Red Bird said we did well on the Powwow. Made $2008.71 to see us through the winter months bills. Thank you to all those that helped at the powwow.
Big thank you to Speaker White Crow and his helpers for all the work being done on the grounds.
Tribal Marshall Tony Running Wolf-Big thank you to all for helping at the powwow. Big thanks to our neighbor Mark Wilson for the use of his property for parking.
A very big thank you to our fire keepers for keeping the sacred fire going even in the rain.
Speaker White Crow announce the next pow wow will be June 17, 18, and 19, 2022
Consent agenda read by Speaker White Crow
Motion to approve-Grandmother Rose 1st, Standing Rock 2nd, all in favor.
Rita Gentle Rain is holding a raffle for a surprise gift, money to go for office supplies.
Door Prize Winner—Laura Goodnow
Meeting adjourned and potluck dinner was shared by all.
Minutes from Northern Cherokee Nation's August 14 Council Meeting
Council Meeting Mintues, April 10, 2021
Meeting called to order by Speaker of Council White Crow
Prayer led by Chief Grey Elk
Pledge of Allegiance led by Speaker of Council White Crow
Roll Call of council by Tribal Secretary Buffalo Sister
Fast Knife--------------Absent
Standing Rock--------Here
Hawk Arrow----------Absent
White Crow----------Here
Buffalo Sister--------Here
Grandmother Rose-Here
Wandering Wolf----Here
Deputy Chief Tawny Eagle---Here
Chief Grey Elk-------Here
Chief Grey announced that the electric company fixed the wiring at the top of the pole and that Tina Two Horses donated the money to pay for it.
Plans are coming together for the pow wow to be held June 25, 26 and 27, 2021.
Donations of water, electric wire for rewiring outside, construction trash bags are among some of the items being donated. Still in need of paper towels, 30-gallon trash bags, soda, toilet tissue, waxed coffee cups with lids and cash donations are always a big help!
Tina Two Horses donated a large safe to the Nation.
Busy Red Bird announced the land loan is down under $14,000.00.
Bank balance is at $2600.00
If you want classes on Clan system, please see Deputy Chief Tawny Eagle.
At the time of the meeting, it was unknown if Clinton, Missouri was going to have their 4th of July parade. We now have an UPDATE! Parade will be July 3rd and plans are being made for us to join in. Please wear Native American Regalia or a Northern Cherokee Nation T-shirt to walk in the parade.
Consent agenda was read by Speaker of Council White Crow
Wandering Wolf Motioned to accept
Grandmother Rose 2nd the motion
Council Passed
Winner of the door prize was Tabitha Spirit Wind Rider
White Crow gave the blessing on the food and prayers to all those who have sick and lost members of their families.
Potluck dinner was shared by all
Prayer led by Chief Grey Elk
Pledge of Allegiance led by Speaker of Council White Crow
Roll Call of council by Tribal Secretary Buffalo Sister
Fast Knife--------------Absent
Standing Rock--------Here
Hawk Arrow----------Absent
White Crow----------Here
Buffalo Sister--------Here
Grandmother Rose-Here
Wandering Wolf----Here
Deputy Chief Tawny Eagle---Here
Chief Grey Elk-------Here
Chief Grey announced that the electric company fixed the wiring at the top of the pole and that Tina Two Horses donated the money to pay for it.
Plans are coming together for the pow wow to be held June 25, 26 and 27, 2021.
Donations of water, electric wire for rewiring outside, construction trash bags are among some of the items being donated. Still in need of paper towels, 30-gallon trash bags, soda, toilet tissue, waxed coffee cups with lids and cash donations are always a big help!
Tina Two Horses donated a large safe to the Nation.
Busy Red Bird announced the land loan is down under $14,000.00.
Bank balance is at $2600.00
If you want classes on Clan system, please see Deputy Chief Tawny Eagle.
At the time of the meeting, it was unknown if Clinton, Missouri was going to have their 4th of July parade. We now have an UPDATE! Parade will be July 3rd and plans are being made for us to join in. Please wear Native American Regalia or a Northern Cherokee Nation T-shirt to walk in the parade.
Consent agenda was read by Speaker of Council White Crow
Wandering Wolf Motioned to accept
Grandmother Rose 2nd the motion
Council Passed
Winner of the door prize was Tabitha Spirit Wind Rider
White Crow gave the blessing on the food and prayers to all those who have sick and lost members of their families.
Potluck dinner was shared by all
Northern Cherokee Nation
March 13, 2021
Council Meeting
Meeting called to order by Speaker White Crow
Pledge led by White Crow and a small visitor Malaki
Chief Grey Elk led the opening prayer
Roll Call of council:
Fast Knife------------Absent
Standing Rock------Present
Hawk Arrow--------Present
White Crow---------Present
Buffalo Sister-------Present
Grandmother Rose-Present
Wandering Wolf—Absent
Deputy Chief Tawny Eagle-Absent
Chief Grey Elk------Present
Chief Grey Elk recognized citizen Laura Cantu. She is a student learning the ways to help the people with emotional and mental stress and how to deal with it.
Abraham Clark announced that he is helping to work on an American Indian Center in Springfield, Missouri.
Busy Red Bird announced as of March 2021 we are down to $14818.47 on our loan! Great strides have been made to get this finished once and for all!
Running Wolf announced it is getting time to mow the grounds again and we can use some more volunteers for this task. He has also acquired some garage doors for us and needs volunteers to help get it installed. Electric work needs to get started on the grounds for the pow wow June 25, 26, 27 2021. Please get with Running Wolf to schedule what days you can help.
All visitors were welcomed.
Chief Grey Elk announced he and Busy Red Bird will be going to a venue in May to talk about the Northern Cherokee Nation. Will have artifacts on display, as well as selling some of our Nation items.
We are looking to purchase heavier Flags for our poles. The wind works on them and tears them. The flags will be flown on Council Meeting days and during powwow only, to save them from destruction.
Need donations for the last fill up of fuel.
Fire Keeper announced he would like to start the Sacred Fire on the 24th of June for the powwow.
Speaker White Crow read the agenda, Grandmother Rose 1st, Hawk Arrow 2nd and council approved.
Elder Council Woman Gentle Rain encouraged all and started the donation for fuel and flags.
Council Meeting adjourned with closing prayer
Pow Wow is set for June 25, 26, 27, 2021 Please help to get ads sold and get the word out to all your family and friends. A flyer will be available shortly.
March 13, 2021
Council Meeting
Meeting called to order by Speaker White Crow
Pledge led by White Crow and a small visitor Malaki
Chief Grey Elk led the opening prayer
Roll Call of council:
Fast Knife------------Absent
Standing Rock------Present
Hawk Arrow--------Present
White Crow---------Present
Buffalo Sister-------Present
Grandmother Rose-Present
Wandering Wolf—Absent
Deputy Chief Tawny Eagle-Absent
Chief Grey Elk------Present
Chief Grey Elk recognized citizen Laura Cantu. She is a student learning the ways to help the people with emotional and mental stress and how to deal with it.
Abraham Clark announced that he is helping to work on an American Indian Center in Springfield, Missouri.
Busy Red Bird announced as of March 2021 we are down to $14818.47 on our loan! Great strides have been made to get this finished once and for all!
Running Wolf announced it is getting time to mow the grounds again and we can use some more volunteers for this task. He has also acquired some garage doors for us and needs volunteers to help get it installed. Electric work needs to get started on the grounds for the pow wow June 25, 26, 27 2021. Please get with Running Wolf to schedule what days you can help.
All visitors were welcomed.
Chief Grey Elk announced he and Busy Red Bird will be going to a venue in May to talk about the Northern Cherokee Nation. Will have artifacts on display, as well as selling some of our Nation items.
We are looking to purchase heavier Flags for our poles. The wind works on them and tears them. The flags will be flown on Council Meeting days and during powwow only, to save them from destruction.
Need donations for the last fill up of fuel.
Fire Keeper announced he would like to start the Sacred Fire on the 24th of June for the powwow.
Speaker White Crow read the agenda, Grandmother Rose 1st, Hawk Arrow 2nd and council approved.
Elder Council Woman Gentle Rain encouraged all and started the donation for fuel and flags.
Council Meeting adjourned with closing prayer
Pow Wow is set for June 25, 26, 27, 2021 Please help to get ads sold and get the word out to all your family and friends. A flyer will be available shortly.
Northern Cherokee Nation
November 7, 2020 Council Meeting
Meeting called to order by Speaker of Council White Crow.
Pledge to flag led by White Crow with his grandson Bryce holding the flag.
Opening prayer given by Chief Grey Elk
White Crow welcomed all to the meeting.
Roll Call by Buffalo Sister
Fast Knife-----Absent
Standing Rock---Present
Hawk Arrow----Absent
White Crow---Present
Buffalo Sister---Present
Grandmother Rose—Present
Wandering Wolf---Present
Deputy Chief Tawny Eagle—Present
Chief Grey Elk---Present
Chief Grey Elk announced that Gentle Rain’s surgery went well. She is at home and doing well.
Chief Grey Elk was very excited to show all the regalia being made by the Northern Cherokee Nation’s very own Buffalo Rose Creations. (ie-Buffalo Sister and Grandmother Rose)
Minority lawsuit is still work in progress.
Financial report will be given quarterly.
Chief Grey Elk has assigned the task of doing a property search on Nation Property to Buffalo Sister. Want to make sure there is nothing against it, as we are remarkably close to having the loan completely paid.
Running Wolf and Fire Keeper have torn out some bad electrical on grounds. Plans to reroute in back will be submitted to Council.
Tribal Marshall Running Wolf has announced the appointment of a new Deputy, James Zeigler.
Speaker of Council White Crow gave a lesson on protocol.
You must raise your hand and be recognized to speak.
Everyone must take turns.
Questions about meeting will be taken when White Crow ask are there any questions or comments.
Deputy Chief Tawny Eagle made comment if someone is talking please do not interrupt.
Please do not touch Regalia. Our personal Regalia is just that, it is ours. Not to be handled by everyone. If you like something someone is wearing, say so, but don’t touch.
White Crow read the consent agenda.
Grandmother Rose 1st to approve
Wandering Wolf 2nd to approve
Council accepted.
Buffalo Sister asked that everyone put a decoration on the Christmas Tree before leaving today. Then it will truly be a community tree for the nation.
Stacy Adams won the door prize.
Chief Grey Elk gave the closing prayer. Potluck dinner shared by all.
November 7, 2020 Council Meeting
Meeting called to order by Speaker of Council White Crow.
Pledge to flag led by White Crow with his grandson Bryce holding the flag.
Opening prayer given by Chief Grey Elk
White Crow welcomed all to the meeting.
Roll Call by Buffalo Sister
Fast Knife-----Absent
Standing Rock---Present
Hawk Arrow----Absent
White Crow---Present
Buffalo Sister---Present
Grandmother Rose—Present
Wandering Wolf---Present
Deputy Chief Tawny Eagle—Present
Chief Grey Elk---Present
Chief Grey Elk announced that Gentle Rain’s surgery went well. She is at home and doing well.
Chief Grey Elk was very excited to show all the regalia being made by the Northern Cherokee Nation’s very own Buffalo Rose Creations. (ie-Buffalo Sister and Grandmother Rose)
Minority lawsuit is still work in progress.
Financial report will be given quarterly.
Chief Grey Elk has assigned the task of doing a property search on Nation Property to Buffalo Sister. Want to make sure there is nothing against it, as we are remarkably close to having the loan completely paid.
Running Wolf and Fire Keeper have torn out some bad electrical on grounds. Plans to reroute in back will be submitted to Council.
Tribal Marshall Running Wolf has announced the appointment of a new Deputy, James Zeigler.
Speaker of Council White Crow gave a lesson on protocol.
You must raise your hand and be recognized to speak.
Everyone must take turns.
Questions about meeting will be taken when White Crow ask are there any questions or comments.
Deputy Chief Tawny Eagle made comment if someone is talking please do not interrupt.
Please do not touch Regalia. Our personal Regalia is just that, it is ours. Not to be handled by everyone. If you like something someone is wearing, say so, but don’t touch.
White Crow read the consent agenda.
Grandmother Rose 1st to approve
Wandering Wolf 2nd to approve
Council accepted.
Buffalo Sister asked that everyone put a decoration on the Christmas Tree before leaving today. Then it will truly be a community tree for the nation.
Stacy Adams won the door prize.
Chief Grey Elk gave the closing prayer. Potluck dinner shared by all.
Meeting called to order, pledge of allegiance and prayer given by Speaker Daniel White Crow.
Roll call by Buffalo Sister
White Crow—Here
Buffalo Sister-Here
Fast Knife-----Here
Gentle Rain—Here
Hawk Arrow-Absent
Grandmother Rose-Here
Wandering Wolf-Here
Billy Boyce----Here
Chief Grey Elk gave a report on gathering at Hawk Arrow’s place on the 4th of July. They had 80 to 100 people show for Ribs and Fireworks. Good time had by all.
Busy Red Bird announce that we are down to approximately $18000.00 on the loan payment. Won’t be long it will be done! We have donation cans set up for NCN Flags, NCN Magnetic Seals, and NCN Grounds payment and upkeep. You may also use our Paypal button located on our webpage for your donations.
Tony Running Wolf gave thanks to all that come and help with the landscaping. Everyone is welcome to use the grounds, but, be sure you clean your area and pickup all your belongings and trash.
Pow Wow dates were discussed, and the final vote is
POW WOW WILL BE HELD JUNE 25, 26, AND 27, 2021
Grandmother Rose 1st motion, Wandering Wolf 2nd motion, Council approved.
Gentle Rain still has the raffle going for the knife that White Crow donated. Tickets are $5.00 each. Knife will be given away at the September meeting.
White Crow called for the consent agenda to be passed. Fast Knife 1st, Gentle Rain 2nd, Council approved.
Many thanks to Dee Dee Sell, (Buffalo Sister’s Mom) for the name card holders for the Council and Elder Council!
Busy Red Bird gave many Wados to all those that donated time, money, supplies, and equipment for our flagpole project! The flags are flying every day!
Chief Grey purchased a new hand drum for the nation. It was made by Stone Akin, citizen of our tribe. Asking for ideas to decorate the drum, please submit them to Fast Knife.
Chief Grey Elk announced that court case is progressing and getting into the hearings stage.
Billy Boyce was honored today with the gift of his Native name; he is now known as Standing Rock.
Winner of door prize was Russell Wilson.
Vote to adjourn, Fast Knife 1st, Gentle Rain 2nd, Council Approved.
White Crow gave prayer over the food we shared.
Meeting called to order, pledge of allegiance and prayer given by Speaker Daniel White Crow.
Roll call by Buffalo Sister
White Crow—Here
Buffalo Sister-Here
Fast Knife-----Here
Gentle Rain—Here
Hawk Arrow-Absent
Grandmother Rose-Here
Wandering Wolf-Here
Billy Boyce----Here
Chief Grey Elk gave a report on gathering at Hawk Arrow’s place on the 4th of July. They had 80 to 100 people show for Ribs and Fireworks. Good time had by all.
Busy Red Bird announce that we are down to approximately $18000.00 on the loan payment. Won’t be long it will be done! We have donation cans set up for NCN Flags, NCN Magnetic Seals, and NCN Grounds payment and upkeep. You may also use our Paypal button located on our webpage for your donations.
Tony Running Wolf gave thanks to all that come and help with the landscaping. Everyone is welcome to use the grounds, but, be sure you clean your area and pickup all your belongings and trash.
Pow Wow dates were discussed, and the final vote is
POW WOW WILL BE HELD JUNE 25, 26, AND 27, 2021
Grandmother Rose 1st motion, Wandering Wolf 2nd motion, Council approved.
Gentle Rain still has the raffle going for the knife that White Crow donated. Tickets are $5.00 each. Knife will be given away at the September meeting.
White Crow called for the consent agenda to be passed. Fast Knife 1st, Gentle Rain 2nd, Council approved.
Many thanks to Dee Dee Sell, (Buffalo Sister’s Mom) for the name card holders for the Council and Elder Council!
Busy Red Bird gave many Wados to all those that donated time, money, supplies, and equipment for our flagpole project! The flags are flying every day!
Chief Grey purchased a new hand drum for the nation. It was made by Stone Akin, citizen of our tribe. Asking for ideas to decorate the drum, please submit them to Fast Knife.
Chief Grey Elk announced that court case is progressing and getting into the hearings stage.
Billy Boyce was honored today with the gift of his Native name; he is now known as Standing Rock.
Winner of door prize was Russell Wilson.
Vote to adjourn, Fast Knife 1st, Gentle Rain 2nd, Council Approved.
White Crow gave prayer over the food we shared.
Meeting called to order by Speaker White Crow
Pledge lead by Speaker White Crow
Prayer lead by Speaker White Crow
Roll Coll by Buffalo Sister
Fast Knife----Here
Gentle Rain-Here
Hawk Arrow—Here
White Crow—Here
Buffalo Sister—Here
Grandmother Rose—Here
Wandering Wolf—Here
Standing Rock—Here
Deputy Chief Tawny Eagle---Absent
Chief Grey Elk----Here
Hawk Arrow announced that the Federal Judge told both parties to try to mediate a settlement on the minority lawsuit. They met, but nothing would come of it, so they will go to court.
Busy Red Bird announced our loan for the land is now under $18,000.00.
Buffalo Sister said the fuel tank is filled at a discount rate. Donations would be helpful to offset the bill.
Tribal Marshall Running Wolf announced that after the meeting there will be a New Peace Pole set in the center of the flags. Lee Ramthun and Beloved Woman Kreglyn Garrett donated the pole.
Consent agenda read by White Crow
Grandmother Rose 1st motion, Wandering Wolf 2nd , and all council approved.
Busy Red Bird sends big Wado to Grandmother Rose and Buffalo Sister for her Leather Fringe dress!
Raffle on knife donated by White Crow was won by John Duree.
Wandering Wolf announced Self Defense Classes will be held after the November 7, 2020 meeting and lunch.
White Crow presented a check to the nation for our part in helping to preserve and take care of the land.
Door Prize won by Tabitha Hall
White Crow gave Closing Prayer.
Meeting called to order by Speaker White Crow
Pledge lead by Speaker White Crow
Prayer lead by Speaker White Crow
Roll Coll by Buffalo Sister
Fast Knife----Here
Gentle Rain-Here
Hawk Arrow—Here
White Crow—Here
Buffalo Sister—Here
Grandmother Rose—Here
Wandering Wolf—Here
Standing Rock—Here
Deputy Chief Tawny Eagle---Absent
Chief Grey Elk----Here
Hawk Arrow announced that the Federal Judge told both parties to try to mediate a settlement on the minority lawsuit. They met, but nothing would come of it, so they will go to court.
Busy Red Bird announced our loan for the land is now under $18,000.00.
Buffalo Sister said the fuel tank is filled at a discount rate. Donations would be helpful to offset the bill.
Tribal Marshall Running Wolf announced that after the meeting there will be a New Peace Pole set in the center of the flags. Lee Ramthun and Beloved Woman Kreglyn Garrett donated the pole.
Consent agenda read by White Crow
Grandmother Rose 1st motion, Wandering Wolf 2nd , and all council approved.
Busy Red Bird sends big Wado to Grandmother Rose and Buffalo Sister for her Leather Fringe dress!
Raffle on knife donated by White Crow was won by John Duree.
Wandering Wolf announced Self Defense Classes will be held after the November 7, 2020 meeting and lunch.
White Crow presented a check to the nation for our part in helping to preserve and take care of the land.
Door Prize won by Tabitha Hall
White Crow gave Closing Prayer.
Meeting called to order—Speaker White Crow
Pledge of Alliance—Speaker White Crow
Prayer—Speaker White Crow
Roll Call of council by Buffalo Sister
Fast Knife---Here
Gentle Rain—Here
Hawk Arrow—Here
White Crow—Here
Buffalo Sister—Here
Grandmother Rose—Here
Wandering Wolf—Here
Standing Rock—Here
Deputy Chief Tawny Eagle—Here
Chief Grey Elk---Here
September Council meeting to be held Sept. 12, 2020 at 10:30 am.
This will be a camp out weekend if any wants to join. There will be chili made by Buffalo Sister for the dinner after the meeting. Please bring dishes to go along with this meal to share with everyone. Classes will be held after the meeting. Fireworks display on Saturday evening.
The consent agenda was passed.
Hawk Arrow brought up that we need to fill the fuel tank up for the winter months. All donations are welcome.
White Crow welcomed guests Cindy Mountjoy and David Kagrice to our meeting.
Reminder to all to please sign in at the door when you come in for meeting.
Chief Grey Elk announced a good time was had by all at Hawk Arrow’s place for 4th of July.
Gentle Rain announce the ongoing raffle for a knife donated by White Crow. Drawing to be held at the September meeting.
Chief Grey Elk announced that the billboard sign rental has been paid. We will be renegotiating a new fee.
Wandering Wolf looking into possible grants for the nation.
White Crow talked more on the Native Prairie Group and how they might help our Nation. There will be a ceremony on August 24, 2020. They are doing non-GMO products and helping to take care of Mother Earth.
Motion to close the meeting by Grandmother Rose, second by Wandering Wolf. Council approved. Meeting adjourned at 11:35am.
Door prize was won by Eagle Looks Down.
Potluck dinner shared by all. Classes held after the meeting.
Pledge of Alliance—Speaker White Crow
Prayer—Speaker White Crow
Roll Call of council by Buffalo Sister
Fast Knife---Here
Gentle Rain—Here
Hawk Arrow—Here
White Crow—Here
Buffalo Sister—Here
Grandmother Rose—Here
Wandering Wolf—Here
Standing Rock—Here
Deputy Chief Tawny Eagle—Here
Chief Grey Elk---Here
September Council meeting to be held Sept. 12, 2020 at 10:30 am.
This will be a camp out weekend if any wants to join. There will be chili made by Buffalo Sister for the dinner after the meeting. Please bring dishes to go along with this meal to share with everyone. Classes will be held after the meeting. Fireworks display on Saturday evening.
The consent agenda was passed.
Hawk Arrow brought up that we need to fill the fuel tank up for the winter months. All donations are welcome.
White Crow welcomed guests Cindy Mountjoy and David Kagrice to our meeting.
Reminder to all to please sign in at the door when you come in for meeting.
Chief Grey Elk announced a good time was had by all at Hawk Arrow’s place for 4th of July.
Gentle Rain announce the ongoing raffle for a knife donated by White Crow. Drawing to be held at the September meeting.
Chief Grey Elk announced that the billboard sign rental has been paid. We will be renegotiating a new fee.
Wandering Wolf looking into possible grants for the nation.
White Crow talked more on the Native Prairie Group and how they might help our Nation. There will be a ceremony on August 24, 2020. They are doing non-GMO products and helping to take care of Mother Earth.
Motion to close the meeting by Grandmother Rose, second by Wandering Wolf. Council approved. Meeting adjourned at 11:35am.
Door prize was won by Eagle Looks Down.
Potluck dinner shared by all. Classes held after the meeting.
Northern Cherokee Nation -- June 13, 2020 Tribal Council Meeting Minutes
June 13, 2020 Council Meeting
Meeting called to order by Speaker of Council White Crow
White Crow lead the pledge of allegiance to the United States Flag
White Crow gave the opening prayer.
Roll call of current council
Fast Knife----Here
Gentle Rain—Here
Hawk Arrow—Here
White Crow---Here
Buffalo Sister---Here
Grandmother Rose---Here
Chief Grey Elk then swore in Daniel White Crow as Speaker of Council until March of 2021.
Speaker of Council then swore in the following council members to serve until March of 2021.
Fast Knife, Gentle Rain, Hawk Arrow, Buffalo Sister, Grandmother Rose, Wandering Wolf, and Billy Boyce.
Chief Grey Elk announced there will be a small cookout at Hawk Arrow’s place the fourth of July and all are welcome.
The calendar of events has some changes on it due to the virus. Next council meeting is July 11, 2020, camping out is open this weekend, classes to be held, family time, possible fireworks. September Pow Wow has been rescheduled until June of 2021. There will be a council meeting held September 12, 2020, with camping out available and a chili potluck dinner. Chili being made by Buffalo Sister.
The vote on the exact dates of Pow Wow in June of 2021 has been tabled to the July 11, 2020 council meeting.
Hawk Arrow stated that the lawyers are still working on the case. With the virus, everything has been put on hold in the court system.
Calm Spirit announced that the website has been paid by her for the next year! Wado for your contribution Calm Spirit!
Wandering Wolf is organizing a fundraising of a self defense class. All monies will be donated to the Northern Cherokee Nation. Please see Wandering Wolf if you are interested.
Busy Red Bird gave the financial report. The insurance for the property is paid for the next year. Donations are down some. The best news is that the loan on the place is now down below $20,000.00 We are almost there!
Running Wolf announced that the 4 flags poles will be set today. He asked for volunteers to help and help they did! Many thanks to Billy Boyce for the donation of equipment and concrete to get this accomplished.
Buffalo Sister announce that there will be classes and teachings on how to make your regalia on a budget. These classes will be held after council meetings for those that are interested.
Buffalo Sister also announced that we are currently sold out of Northern Cherokee Nation flags. We are requesting donations for the purchase of more.
Chief Grey Elk stated that the Book of Legends is almost complete.
Gentle Rain is holding a raffle for a knife donated by White Crow. Tickets are $5.00 each. The drawing will be held at the September meeting. You do not need to be present to win.
Speaker White Crow called for motion to adjourn.
Gentle Rain—first motion
Wandering Wolf—second motion
Council Approved
White Crow gave the closing prayer. Potluck dinner shared by all.
Meeting called to order by Speaker of Council White Crow
White Crow lead the pledge of allegiance to the United States Flag
White Crow gave the opening prayer.
Roll call of current council
Fast Knife----Here
Gentle Rain—Here
Hawk Arrow—Here
White Crow---Here
Buffalo Sister---Here
Grandmother Rose---Here
Chief Grey Elk then swore in Daniel White Crow as Speaker of Council until March of 2021.
Speaker of Council then swore in the following council members to serve until March of 2021.
Fast Knife, Gentle Rain, Hawk Arrow, Buffalo Sister, Grandmother Rose, Wandering Wolf, and Billy Boyce.
Chief Grey Elk announced there will be a small cookout at Hawk Arrow’s place the fourth of July and all are welcome.
The calendar of events has some changes on it due to the virus. Next council meeting is July 11, 2020, camping out is open this weekend, classes to be held, family time, possible fireworks. September Pow Wow has been rescheduled until June of 2021. There will be a council meeting held September 12, 2020, with camping out available and a chili potluck dinner. Chili being made by Buffalo Sister.
The vote on the exact dates of Pow Wow in June of 2021 has been tabled to the July 11, 2020 council meeting.
Hawk Arrow stated that the lawyers are still working on the case. With the virus, everything has been put on hold in the court system.
Calm Spirit announced that the website has been paid by her for the next year! Wado for your contribution Calm Spirit!
Wandering Wolf is organizing a fundraising of a self defense class. All monies will be donated to the Northern Cherokee Nation. Please see Wandering Wolf if you are interested.
Busy Red Bird gave the financial report. The insurance for the property is paid for the next year. Donations are down some. The best news is that the loan on the place is now down below $20,000.00 We are almost there!
Running Wolf announced that the 4 flags poles will be set today. He asked for volunteers to help and help they did! Many thanks to Billy Boyce for the donation of equipment and concrete to get this accomplished.
Buffalo Sister announce that there will be classes and teachings on how to make your regalia on a budget. These classes will be held after council meetings for those that are interested.
Buffalo Sister also announced that we are currently sold out of Northern Cherokee Nation flags. We are requesting donations for the purchase of more.
Chief Grey Elk stated that the Book of Legends is almost complete.
Gentle Rain is holding a raffle for a knife donated by White Crow. Tickets are $5.00 each. The drawing will be held at the September meeting. You do not need to be present to win.
Speaker White Crow called for motion to adjourn.
Gentle Rain—first motion
Wandering Wolf—second motion
Council Approved
White Crow gave the closing prayer. Potluck dinner shared by all.
Osiyo Citizens of the Northern Cherokee Nation,
Today was the first council meeting of our new year and I want to thank each and every one who made the effort to attend. Many of you like the Chief, Deputy Chief and most of the council drive between 3 1/2 and 5 hours to attend our meetings, they come from all four corners of Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas , Oklahoma. It was great seeing our family. We even had a photographer from the L.A. Times.
My question to you is WHERE WERE THE REST OF THE NORTHERN CHEROKEE CITIZENS? I know that we have close to 10,000 enrolled that live in Missouri alone! We all have lives and families, but what do you consider your NCN family? Are we not important enough to take one Saturday a month and join your tribal family? Do you not want your children to know where they come from? Are you ashamed to let your neighbors and co-workers know your Cherokee? Think about why you joined the Tribe, was it because a family member signed you up? Do you think your going to get something from the white government? Or are you afraid you might have to contribute some time or heaven forbid money to your tribe? Think about this!
We have citizens that live in other states that call, donate and keep in touch. WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE, Is it because you remember the horror stories from your great grandparents that is was illegal to be an Indian in Missouri, WELL GET OVER IT THIS IS 2019. CHEROKEE UP PEOPLE!
This letter is for all our citizens, not just Missouri. Because you live in another state You are not exempt!
We are a proud people, but it takes EVERYONE EVERYWHERE to make a family!
May Creator keep us all safe.
Busy Red Bird.
Today was the first council meeting of our new year and I want to thank each and every one who made the effort to attend. Many of you like the Chief, Deputy Chief and most of the council drive between 3 1/2 and 5 hours to attend our meetings, they come from all four corners of Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas , Oklahoma. It was great seeing our family. We even had a photographer from the L.A. Times.
My question to you is WHERE WERE THE REST OF THE NORTHERN CHEROKEE CITIZENS? I know that we have close to 10,000 enrolled that live in Missouri alone! We all have lives and families, but what do you consider your NCN family? Are we not important enough to take one Saturday a month and join your tribal family? Do you not want your children to know where they come from? Are you ashamed to let your neighbors and co-workers know your Cherokee? Think about why you joined the Tribe, was it because a family member signed you up? Do you think your going to get something from the white government? Or are you afraid you might have to contribute some time or heaven forbid money to your tribe? Think about this!
We have citizens that live in other states that call, donate and keep in touch. WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE, Is it because you remember the horror stories from your great grandparents that is was illegal to be an Indian in Missouri, WELL GET OVER IT THIS IS 2019. CHEROKEE UP PEOPLE!
This letter is for all our citizens, not just Missouri. Because you live in another state You are not exempt!
We are a proud people, but it takes EVERYONE EVERYWHERE to make a family!
May Creator keep us all safe.
Busy Red Bird.
April 2018
Swearing in of council members.
November 2017
Great council meeting.
Beautiful wedding of Buffalo Sister and Bobby.
Beautiful wedding of Buffalo Sister and Bobby.
December, 2016
Wow what a great time we had today. A great and productive council meeting, awesome food and delicious deserts. Our tribal family continues to grow and become more involved. Your Chief is so happy with the cooperation and willingness to get involved. MERRY CHRISTMAS, AND A HAPPY AND BLESSED NEW YEAR!!! SEE you all next year, February 14th.
Wow what a great time we had today. A great and productive council meeting, awesome food and delicious deserts. Our tribal family continues to grow and become more involved. Your Chief is so happy with the cooperation and willingness to get involved. MERRY CHRISTMAS, AND A HAPPY AND BLESSED NEW YEAR!!! SEE you all next year, February 14th.
Photo Highlights from the Northern Cherokee Nation's
July 3, 2016 Council Meeting
The Northern Cherokee Nation continues to work for the's citizens.
Pictured above are photos taken during the May council meeting of the Nation.
The meetings are open to citizens, family members and interested community members.
Pictured above are photos taken during the May council meeting of the Nation.
The meetings are open to citizens, family members and interested community members.
Highlights from the Northern Cherokee Nation's
Council Meeting
February 14, 2015
By Tribal Citizen Donna Calm Spirit Stone
At the Northern Cherokee Nation's December council meeting, Sherri Runion was adopted
into citizenship with the nation.
We are proud of Sherri and her active participation with the nation.
Welcome, Sherri!
into citizenship with the nation.
We are proud of Sherri and her active participation with the nation.
Welcome, Sherri!
Photos from the Northern Cherokee Nation
Council Meeting on June 14
Council Meeting on June 14